A short guide to help you create your or your organisation's profile page on The Sunflower Directory
Creating your profile page is the last stage of getting yourself or your organisation listed on the Directory. This is your opportunity to fully describe yourself or your organisation, your work, your services and any specialist support or areas that you offer.
There are two sections to be filled in – a shorter summary section at the top that will also be featured on your profile card when it comes up in a search, and then a longer section at the bottom of your page where you can go into much greater detail.
In terms of your profession or professions, the areas where you can offer help and your specialisms, there are some box menus for you choose from, plus you can list your availability so that people can know what days you work, and between what times.
If at any point there’s anything you need to be added eg a particular specialism or an alternative profession title then please get in touch [email protected] so that we can look into getting that included as soon as possible.
There’s also a space for you to feature images* and other content on your page. These could be literal – your therapy space or the materials or equipment you work with – or they could be abstract, for example images that you feel represent or illustrate aspects of your work and/ or the healing process.
What’s important is that you create a profile that is not only engaging, original and authentic but gives those searching a really clear idea of who you are, what you do and how you can help.
When you are happy with your profile, all you have to do is click Publish and it’ll go live there and then.
Good luck creating, and we look forward to welcoming you to The Sunflower Network.
*Please make sure you have permission from the copyright owner for usage of any images or other materials you include on your page.