Safeguarding & Child Protection in Private Practice

Delivered by

Jessica Spenceley


Format options


Duration options

6 hrs

Content Summary: 

The day will support you to deepen your understanding of safeguarding and child protection and will provide you with the space to explore how this relates to the context of your work. The workshop will build on your knowledge base, equip you with additional tools to support and advocate for vulnerable youth, and help you to feel more confident as you move forward in your practice.

Aims and Objectives of the day:

• Review concepts related to safeguarding and child protection
• Explore the area of risk and how this relates to lone working
• Develop greater awareness of key legislation and guidance
• Understand your role as a designated safeguarding professional
• Demonstrate an understanding around how to handle concerns
• Explore multi-agency working
• Discuss ethical dilemmas



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Training delivered by

Jessica Spenceley

Jessica Spenceley is a highly experienced international therapist, social worker, and facilitator whose specialisms include trauma, grief, adoption, and safeguarding.  She has a wealth of experience in health and social care settings utilising an integrative and relational model of practice providing direct services to children and families.  Jessica has managed child protection and safeguarding services within the charity sector, and she is involved in work as a provider of therapeutic and assessment services, trainer, and leader in adoption support service development and implementation.