Neurodiversity in Girls

Delivered by

Naomi Moore


Format options

In Person | Online

Duration options

2 hrs | 6 hrs (1 day)


This training can be adapted to a diverse range of contexts, and further bespoke elements can be added on request.


Neurodiversity in girls is something that is often misunderstood and can easily be overlooked. The way it presents in girls can be significantly different, nuanced and often look like something else. As a result girls can often have needs that go undiagnosed for years, decades or a lifetime. The stress of this can mean girls develop other mental health issues as they try and navigate a neurotypical world.

We will spend the day examining neurodiversity specifically in girls across a range of common diagnosis. We will understand about how the way girls present can be very different from boys although this is not always the case as each child is unique. We will look at this from a range of contextual positions and consider the impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing and the importance of being able to identify these issues in a timely and sensitive manner.

We will also consider things that can help support these girls and our role as advocates.

There will be breakout groups and time for discussion and reflection and to bring case material.

Aims & Objectives: 

  • To understand more about how presentations can be different in girls
  • To consider the reasons why the diagnostic criteria has not supported girls who present in more nuanced way
  • To consider and understand masking behaviour and its impact
  • To consider the ways girls might be particularly vulnerable within the education system
  • To consider a range of diagnostic profiles and how this might present in girls
  • To consider and explore the impact on parents / carers advocating for their children’s needs to be met
  • To consider how the practitioner might facilitate a conversation around neurodivergence if the family is not already aware
  • To consider how we might best advocate for our clients to try and ensure their needs are met


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Bespoke Training

Optional. Please provide a phone number where a member of our team can contact you.
Please provide any further information that may help us put together your bespoke training programme.
Training delivered by

Naomi Moore

Naomi Moore is a play and creative arts therapist, therapeutic wellbeing practitioner and clinical supervisor. she is the team leader and wellbeing and mental health lead in a large mainstream primary school and secondary school managing teams of practitioners and placement students. Naomi is also trained in parent-child work and specialised therapeutic approaches for working with neurodiversity, trauma and trauma-informed education.