Contextual Safeguarding: Policy & Practice

Delivered by

Sean Monaghan


Format options

In Person

Duration options

3 hr

Content Summary: 

With a significant rise in harm occurring outside the home, and child protection frameworks not yet able to meet the changing needs, contextual safeguarding has come to the fore. Significant tools of the contextual safeguarding framework are safety planning, self-risk assessing, peer mapping, and location mapping which form a core part of this training through a trauma informed lens.This training is designed for practitioners in any setting who may be supporting young people at risk of, or experiencing, extra familial harm such as exploitation, serious violence and trafficking.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the concept and framework of contextual safeguarding.
  • Understand why frontline practitioners should be at the forefront of contextual safeguarding implementation.
  • Understand how to use this framework when supporting children and young people at risk of extra-familial harm.
  • Understand how to ensure concerns are raised and acted upon proportionately across statutory setting

The training ensures the above learning objectives are met by providing the background knowledge, real-life case studies, reflection spaces, and participatory activities so that attendees not only learn but can apply the learning.

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Training delivered by

Sean Monaghan

Sean has spent many years practising within the sectors of youth work, criminal justice and social care as both a frontline practitioner and in service manager roles. He is now the Director of Safer:Now, a training and consultancy organisation specialising in professional practice related to extra-familial harm, based in Birmingham but offering training across the UK. The training is heavily practice focussed, on such topics as embedding contextual safeguarding policy and practice, exploring various typologies of criminal exploitation and related practice and legislation (beyond just county lines), and delivering the only safety planning for extra-familial harm training nationally. Within the safety planning training, there is a focus on looking at the trauma-responsive neurosequential model of therapeutics throughout. Safer:Now also consults on violence interruption, including hospital services, supporting their development and efficacy. Previously, Sean set up and delivered Hospital-based Violence Interruption Services, across three hospitals in Birmingham, supporting over 300 young victims of sexual violence, exploitation, and penetrative and gunshot injuries, as well as a hyper-local model for community-based violence intervention support.