Tourettes Syndrome (TS)

Tourettes Syndrome (TS) is a neurological condition which has genetic influences or can be caused through complications during pregnancy. The main signs of TS are involuntary and repeated movements or repeated sounds (known as tics). Coprolalia, or saying rude words or swearing, is perhaps the most well known sign of TS, but in fact Coprolalia only affects a small number of children with TS.

In order to be diagnosed with TS, a child or young person must:

  • Regular, involuntary and repeated movements or sounds.
  • Tics which occur many times a day, or on and off for longer than one year. There should not have been a tic-free period of more than three months.
  • Be distressed about the tics or they have a significant effect on mental health and well-being.
  • Be less than 18 years old.
  • Not have any other conditions that could cause the tics.

For more information about TS, please see the following links:

Tourette’s syndrome – NHS (

Pediatric Tourette Syndrome | Children’s National Hospital (

Tics and Tourette syndrome: What have you learnt today | Great Ormond Street Hospital (